C5 are committed to implementing and maintaining a clear, thorough WHS Management System that has the support of everyone in the organisation. We use ASIAL SWM as our WHS Management System.
C5 and its Officers recognise the moral and legal obligations to provide, so far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy working environment for Workers, contractors, customers, clients and visitors.
C5 will:
- Provide a safe work environment, practices and procedures.
- Set responsible standards of safety for all to follow
- Communicate effectively with all stake holders to identify and control hazards and potential for injury
- Ensure compliance with all WHS legislation and current industry standards
- Developing the skills of our people through training, information, and instruction
- Provide assistance and ongoing support to Workers regarding WHS
All Workers are responsible and will be held accountable for assistance in implementing this policy. Management will be responsible for actioning any requests or WHS issues raised from Workers. This will be measured by performance reviews by way of Quarterly WHS Systems and Documentation Reviews undertaken by using the ASIAL SWM system.
Management and supervisors will:
- Provide a workplace in a safe condition
- Be involved in developing, promoting and implementing health & safety policies & procedures
- Train Workers in the safest method to perform their work tasks
- Provide adequate resources and information to meet our organisations’s commitment to Occupational Health and Safety
Workers will:
- Follow all procedures detailed within the our organisation WHS Policy and Procedures
- Report any injury, illness, hazard or unsafe work practice to Management as they occur
Application of Our organisation WHS Policy
This policy applies to Our organisation and all its operations, which then applies in situations where Workers are required to perform work functions off site.
As per the relevant WHS legislation and Codes of Practice, our organisation understands and is committed to consultation with all its Workers with regard to work health and safety. This organisation has Managers who will be the first point of contact for all Workers regarding issues relating to WHS.