C5 started its work originally in Australia and has continued to provide services within Australia. The services serve a variety of different organisations, with varied needs.
Papua New Guinea
C5 has been conducting business in PNG since 2014, and as the business has seen growth, PNG has become a second HUB. C5 has handled projects both large and small in PNG now specialising in remote location services. C5 continues to look for new opportunities.

Medical staff training in vulnerable environments
C5 developed material specifically for training medical staff in how to manage incidents in vulnerable environments. This training was aimed at keeping travelling staff safe in unsafe international locations. The training course was developed through C5’s extensive knowledge and work in foreign countries.

C5 since 2012 has been engaged by 3 large multi national companies
to provide emergency management consulting services within regional large
scale infrastructure projects. These projects included developing strategic governance and policy for the organisations and international sites, developing procedures covering emergencies, incident management, contingency and crisis management. C5 was required to develop Emergency Control Organisation plan, procedures and provide training and SME services to management during emergencies.

C5 is an expert in developing travel assistance frameworks for government agencies and corporations. C5 has extensive knowledge and IP in maintaining its capability in supporting international and regional travel requirements of clients.

C5 has provided security risk assessment services for multiple companies in Australia.
C5 used its expert knowledge in providing critical risk assessment for these companies and government agencies in major international projects. C5 uses ISO 31000 standards in performing assessments and in conjunction with other services into projects. ANU University, Broadspectrum, Serco, Kumul Petroleum as Clients

C5 began its business endeavours in 2012
C5 began its business endeavours in 2012 by training the staff at Goodwin, C5 has continued this relationship providing training as recently as 2021. Goodwin staff are trained in competencies such as situational awareness, risk assessment, handling of challenging behaviours.
Papua New Guinea

C5 has used its expert knowledge in security risk assessment to aid in its business ventures in PNG. C5 has previously been contracted to provide security risk assessment services in multi billion dollar infrastructure projects, corporate contingency planning, training and travel projects.

For the APEC meeting held in PNG in 2018 C5 through Controlled Outcomes, trained 184 Royal Papua New Guinea police officers in use of force training, close personal protection techniques, restraints, motorcade and firearms. This was the single largest private training program in PNG.

Since 2014 in PNG, C5 has developed extensive experience in providing solutions in remote locations. These solutions have been provided throughout the life cycle of projects, from mobilisation, construction through to operations maintenance and demobilisation

C5 has trained immigration, police, corrections and other government agencies in PNG. The training provided to these agencies was based on a training needs analysis and constant client engagement to ensure training outcomes were met on time and on budget